Vitamin B
The word vitamin is derived from a combination of words -- vital amine -- and was conceived by Polish chemist Casimir Funk in 1912. Funk isolated vitamin B1, or thiamine, from rice. This was determined to be one of the vitamins that prevented beriberi, a deficiency disease marked by inflammatory or degenerative changes of the nerves, digestive system and heart.Vitamin B-2 Riboflavin areCritical in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Needed in the repair of the nails, skin and hair.
If you are looking to produce a higher level of energy in the body, Vitamin B2 is the one of the more important nutrients. If you exercise every day, you are using up your vitamin B2 supply.
Cheese and milk are the best dietary sources of this vitamin, also green vegetables and whole grains.